Our outdoor Children Playground

Here do you enter the playground to find abundant space to develop your playing game phantasies   At good weather, the water-playground is the children’s favourite. It could be useful to carry an extra set of dry clothes – plastic bags for the wet sets can be made available
Smaller children have much fun playing among others in our large ship-alike sand-box, with our two circular and one air-cushoned trampolines, with our locomotive cum wagon model, with the dragon-swing, the mountable airplane, simple gym equipment like horizontal bars and rotating barrels, etc.
  The big sand-box with excavator. Furthermore there is a 4-seat skip, a dragon-shaped table with sand, etc., etc. Around all equipment on the playground there is plenty of space.
Our children-friendly Skt. Bernhard dog Zohra takes good care of the playground and sometimes you may even see her on the trampoline !!   Also the airplane will capture the kids’ imaginations
Grandpa is kept busy by his grandchildren sitting on the dragon-swing   And here is the exit of our outdoor playground