Our terrace

Our terrace is adjacent to the public road and there are no obstacles for your bicycle.
We have a charging-pole for the batteries of electrical bicycles.
Weather-dependent, at times, we offer live music entertainment on our terrace.

In summer, under the leafy canopies is a great place to be.   All doors are open.

  • The door at the right leads to the WC and the indoor playground. At the door, all current events are being highlighted
  • Both big half-doors in the middle give access to a hall ('De Daele') and a temporary shelter at short-term rain fall
The door at the left side leads to the self-service counter where among others the following drinks, snacks, etc can be chosen
  • Coffee, Tea, Non-alcoholic drinks, Beer and Wine
  • Pastries, Cake, Raisinbread and Sandwiches
  • Soups, French Fries and Appetisers
  • Packed Ice Cream, Soft-Ice and Sweets
  The self-service counter